Vacation House Füzeskerti 40.

For 5+2 people, air-conditioned holiday home can be booked in Békésszentandras.

For 5+2 people, air-conditioned holiday home can be booked in Békésszentandras. It is located directly on the waterfront, and a jetty and boat are available to guests.

Category: 2 sunflowers

Type: village accommodation

Payment methods: SZÉP Card, cash

Sports activities: fishing

Other services: kitchen equipment, kitchen

Spoken languages: Hungarian, German.

Recreation: fishing, outdoor BBQ, games

Accommodation-related services: free access to the lake / private beach, garden

Other features: air conditioning in the entire building, playground

Other services: rental, rental, fishing, free WIFI/VLAN

Is it barrier-free? no

Vacation House Füzeskerti 40.
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap közreműködők

Number of seats: 7 person
: No

Request a quote here

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1077 Budapest, Király u. 93. • +36 1 352 9804 +36 30 709 9726 •