Altogether: 876 search result
Altogether: 876 search result


FREEDOM Equestrian and Leisure Park

Szarvas, VII. Ker. 549/1

A quiet equestrian park awaits those who are interested in horse riding near the city of Szarvas.


Guesthouse Király

Jánoshalma, Parcelok 27

A nice little village accommodation awaits its guests in Jánoshalma, in a 4-room guest house.


Vadászati szálláshely

Csanádapáca, Szent Gellért út 53.

Our guesthouse awaits its dear guests with 5 rooms in the calm village of Csanádapáca.


Guesthouse Gyöngyszem

Pányok, Fő u. 48 Hrsz 104/2

Guesthouse Gyöngyszem awaits its guests in the village of Pányok on one of the most beautiful points of the Zemplén Mountains.


Kelemen Majorság

Piliscsév, Hegyes dűlő 027/5 hrsz.

A lovely little village accommodation awaits its guests in Piliscsév with 7 rooms and 14 beds.


Guesthouse Lila Akác

Nyíradony, Szakolykert tanya 87

A modern and barrier-free guest house awaits those who want to get away from the city.


Anikó Guesthouse

Miklósi, Petőfi u. 20.

3-room, 8-bed village accommodation awaits its guests in Miklósi.


Tulipános Guesthouse

Parádsasvár, Petőfi S. u. 35.

Lovely guesthouse awaits its guests in Parádsasvár with 2 rooms and a total of 4 beds.


Guesthouse Tündérkert

Olcsva, Kraszna köz 3. 132. hrsz

Lovely little village accommodation awaits its guests in Olcsva, in a 4-room guesthouse.


Gabonás Magtár

Miszla, Kis u. 166

Lovely little village accommodation awaits its guests in Miszlán, in an 8-room guesthouse.


Guesthouse Zöldhon Tanya

Terem, Kátai u. 23.

A lovely little rural accomodation awaits its guest with 2 rooms in the village of Terem.


Guesthouse Csaba

Nyírmada, Honvéd út 7.

Quiet village accommodation in Nyírmada with 4 rooms awaits its guests.

70 71 72 73
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